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Fbconnect test
Subject Thanks for joining The Pet Wiki! Body Thank you for joining The Pet Wiki community! Getting Started: We recommend that you fill in your profile to let people know a little bit about you. Fill in your user profile: <a href=\”http://thepetwiki.com/User:<userName>\”>http://thepetwiki.com/User:<userName></a> Visit our forum and introduce yourself to other members of the community: <a […]
The First Dog, Bo
All the U.S. Presidents have had pets except for three. Pres. Barack Obama is no exception to the rule. Shortly after entering the White House, he and his family adopted a six-month old Portuguese Water Dog which they named Bo. The pure-bred dog was given to the Obamas as a gift by Sen. Ted Kennedy […]
What Are the Differences Between Gerbils and Hamsters?
Gerbils and hamsters are similar animals, but there are important differences between them: Gerbils have long, fur-covered tails that end in a small tuft. Hamsters have tiny stubs for tails, naked of fur. Gerbils tend to stand on their hind legs, while hamsters avoid standing as it takes much more effort for them. Hamsters are […]