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ASPCA-Pet Theft on the Rise
The American Kennel Club (AKC) reported last year (2011) that pet theft rose 32% since 2007 when they began tracking petnapping. In New York City, the homebase of the ASPCA, they report that dognapping in particular rises every summer. Pet parents take advantage of the nice weather to walk their dogs more often, taking them […]
Botulism in Horses
Botulism is a bacterial toxin that can be fatal to horses. It is potent and can cause rapid illness and death if not diagnosed soon. While there are several types, Type B is the most common found in horses. It is caused by a bacteria that lives in soil, the Clostridium botulinum. Horses who ingest […]
Veterinary relief efforts expected following Haiti earthquake
I have been keeping my eye on news about how the animals in Haiti are being affected by the devastating earthquake last week. Here is some information I thought was worth sharing. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is closely monitoring the response in Haiti to determine if and how they and others involved in […]