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Lykoi Cat
The Lykoi Cat was discovered through a gene mutation in domestic shorthair cats and is not hybrid breed. It is said to be the first cat bred for its unusual features. Bred by veterinarian Brittany Gobble and breeder Johnny Gobble, the original breeding pair came from unrelated litters. They were tested at the University of […]
Treating Wounds – Pets
Common wounds occur when your pet is bitten by another dog or cat, accidentally steps on something that causes a wound on the feet, or it may be a body wound. If there is bleeding check to see where the blood is coming from. Put a sterile pad over the wound and bind it tightly. […]
April – Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
April is the month and orange is the color. Show your support of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals by wearing the color orange. The ASPCA is sponsoring a number of events throughout the month of April including a contest. Check the ASPCA and animal shelters in your area. Join animal lovers across the country by […]