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Yellow Swallowtail Angelfish
Males up to 7 in., females smaller. Except for Wrasses and some Triggerfish which may be a problem, other fish will react well. Minimum size tank for a female is 93 gal., for a male, 120 gal., for a pair at least 132 gal.. Best kept singly or in a male/female pairing. Found widespread from […]
Steppe Lemming
The Steppe Lemming is found in Russia and the Ukraine. They are 87-140 mm. long and weigh 25-35 gms. Color is light grey. Life span is 2-2 1/2 years. Usually friendly, male Steppe Lemmings can be territorial, so watch for aggression. They are tame enough to be hand-held. Suitable housing is an aquarium with a […]
How to Manage with Multiple Cats
Having more than one cat, you’ve discovered that cats are different than dogs. Dogs usually enjoy the company of other canines as they are pack animals. Cats don’t mind being loners, some even prefer it. Cats are territorial to boot and each will claim a space as their own. Dogs are usually just happy to […]