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Diskospndylitis (discospondylitis, vertebral osteomyelitis), not to be confused with diskospondylosis which is a degeneration of the spinal column from any cause, is usually seen in middle-aged and older dogs and is the most common cause of back pain. While diskospondylitis (DS) is usually seen in large and giant male dogs, especially German Shepherd Dogs and […]
Trigeminal Neuritis in Dogs
The Trigeminal Nerve is the 5th cranial nerve (or CNV) controlling sensation in the face and motor funtions such as biting and chewing. The Trigeminal Nerve (tri-3, geminis-twin, thrice twined) has three major branches, the opthalmic nerve, the maxillary nerve and the mandibular nerve. The opthalmic nerve transmits information to the upper eyelid, the conjuctiva […]
Cherry Eye in Dogs and Cats
Dogs and cats are among the mammals that have a third eyelid which gives the eyes extra protection. Cherry Eye is the name given to the tear gland wrapped around the cartilage of the third eyelid that prolapses (bulges or pops out from beneath the eyelid). It looks like a small cherry in the inside […]