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Should You Adopt an Exotic Pet?
Exotic pets are usually defined as anything other than the typical domesticated animals. Exotic pets include snakes, lizards, weasels, tropical birds, wild animals and more. If you’re thinking of adopting an exotic pet, here are some points to consider: Contents 1 Advantages of owning an exotic pet 2 Disadvantages of owning an exotic pet 3 […]
Paso Fino
Where is the Paso Fino Horse from? The Paso Fino is found in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Columbia and Venezuela. It has become a popular breed in the U.S. What does the Paso Fino look like? Paso Finos range from 13-16 hands tall. In the U.S. the Paso Fino is larger than its […]
How to Calculate Your Dog’s Age
The old rule that a dog’s age is equivalent to 7 years of human life is not quite accurate. Dogs in their first year age much more quickly than a human child of one year. At one year a dog’s age is similar to that of a human, 15 years old. Different breeds and different […]