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Leaky Gut/Dysbiosis in Pets
Leaky Gut and Dysbiosis are often referred to as the same disorder, but they are slightly different. The small intestine contains Villi which are finger-like projections that absorb substances and transport them to the bloodstream. Leaky gut occurs when the villi are exposed to prolonged damage resulting in malnutrition due to the lack of absorption […]
Dog Food/Chicken Feathers
Would you feed your dog chicken feathers? Well, ground chicken feather meal is being touted as the new protein source for pet foods. Chicken feathers have been hydrolyzed, that is broken down by a chemical reaction to water. They are then used in dog food. Granted, in the wild, dogs consume the whole animal, possibly […]
Dogs and Cold, Wet Noses
There is a legend that tells of dogs on Noah’s Ark who discovered a hole in the hull of the Ark. In order to save the Ark from sinking, one of the dogs stuck his nose in the hole and prevented the ship from flooding. Another dog alerted Noah to the problem who quickly repaired […]