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Dottybacks are a family of small tropical and subtropical fish native to the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific. They are brightly colored and popular with aquarists. Dottybacks do better in large tanks with live rock but can also thrive in smaller aquariums. They are territorial and each one needs plenty of swimming room and hiding […]
Pet Insurance Provides You With Peace Of Mind
Have you realized how expensive pet medical bills are getting nowadays? They are more expensive than many other bills we have to pay these days. Even a simple x-ray or a checkup can run pet owners hundreds of dollars. Add in surgery or intensive care and the cost for your pet’s medical bills can be […]
Feather Plucking
All birds preen, grooming their feathers daily. The problem appears when a bird begins to pluck out feathers. It’s easy to detect as you’ll see bald spots or feather shafts on the bird’s body. There are a number of reasons why birds pluck out their feathers. Some wild birds use their feathers to line nests. […]