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U.S. State Animal and Bird Symbols
Symbols are used to communicate many different ideas. The use of symbols dates far back and can be found throughout the Bible. Animals and birds are popularly used as symbols to represent areas of importance. As State symbols, animals and birds representative of each State have special meaning for that State. In 1926, Kentucky was […]
A Dog’s Ear Messages
A dog uses almost every part of his/her body to express emotions and send messages to both humans and other animals. The movement of a dog’s ears tells what s/he is feeling. Ear shapes vary depending on the breed of dog. Some ears hang down like those of a Basset Hound, some are pricked (stand […]
Culicoides in Horses
The Culicoides midge is a tiny gnat, also known as no-see-ums because of their size. Their bite causes “sweet itch”, an allergic skin reaction. The itch occurs when these tiny gnats bite a horse who is sensitive to the gnats’ saliva. The itch is so intense that the horse will rub the area, developing sores […]