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Protecting the Environment
Pet owners should be concerned with environmental issues such as global warming, dwindling natural resources, pollution, overpopulation, habitat destruction and disappearing wildlife. The cleaner the environment we live in, the cleaner the environment our pets live in as well. Environmentally-friendly choices begin with choosing to adopt the right pet and continue with responsible care and […]
Train Your Cat to Come When Called
Training your cat to come when you call may be easier than you think. Cats can be motivated by food they love just as dogs are. When you open a can of cat food or rattle a bag of treats, does your cat come running? You can use this action in training. Cats have an […]
Does Your Pet Diss Your Family/Partner?
You have a pet and are married or getting there or moving in together or just spend a lot of time with each other at home. Your pet appears to be upset by the situation. What to do? The first thing to examine is your partner’s relationship with animals. Did s/he grow up with pets? […]