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Asful (Arabian) Angelfish
Large males can be up to 18 in., females 12 in. Youngsters clean other fish to be ignored, adults will hide when introduced to avoid aggressive fish. Minimum tank size is 132 gal. Best kept singly unless the tank is large enough to accommodate a pair. Found in the Red Sea and East Africa. List […]
Horse Welfare
Through the years, horses have served man willingly, but man has not always treated horses as the loyal companion they are. Horse lovers around the world have advocated for their welfare. We thank them for their diligent efforts on behalf of all horses. Here are a list of articles having to do with Horse Welfare […]
Pets in the Military
As long as there has been warfare, animals have been used as part of the war effort. The Bible mentions battles fought with horses and chariots. Ancient peoples, such as the Greeks, used elephants as well in their battles. During World War II, cavalry units were still in existence, despite the fact that tanks were […]