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No Kill Advocacy Reports on Safest Day
The No Kill Advocacy Center reports success on their No Kill Just One Day Campaign campaign. June 11, 2012 we asked shelters across the country to stop killing so that we can become a No Kill nation for Just One Day. We challenged them to put down the “euthanasia needles” and pick up cameras instead: […]
The Faverolles breed was developed in the 1860s in France. It was named after a French village and the singular form also includes the “s.” The breed was originally meant for both eggs and meat but is more commonly used as an exhibition chicken today. The most commonly available variety is the Salmon Faverolles. Faverolles […]
Rabbit Pasteurella
Rabbit Pasteurella, known as snuffles, is a serious upper respiratory disease that requires the quick attention of a veterinarian. Snuffles is caused by Pasteurella multocida, a bacteria. Although many rabbits may be carriers, it does not cuase any problems in those whose immune systems are healthy and can fight off most infections. But rabbits with […]