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HSUS Celebrates a Milestone
Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, is proud to announce the signing of the 1,000th Puppy-Friendly Pet Store. The program was launched by the HSUS in 2008. PetSmart and Petco, the two largest pet retailers, took the lead in shunning the sale of dogs several years ago. Some […]
Book Review: The Loved Dog
The Loved Dog by Tamar Geller The Loved Dog shows us ways of training our dogs with humane methods. There is never any punishment involved and Ms. Geller’s results speak for themselves. She refutes many of the ideas and harsh practices held by too many so-called dog trainers. We all want our dogs to be […]
FDA -Recall of Some IV Chemo Drugs
Hospira Announces A Nationwide Recall of Certain Lots of Injectable Carboplatin, Cytarabine, Paclitaxel and Methotrexate Due to Glass Vial Defect FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -July 13, 2012 – Hospira, Inc. (NYSE: HSP), the world’s leading provider of injectable drugs and infusion technologies, issued this press release today to further inform the general public about a previously […]