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Animal Legislation
In an attempt to end the inhumane treatment of animals, organizations around the world work daily to protect animals. They investigate and report to the proper authorities any cruel treatment. As an example, in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, attendance at the Humane Lobby Day, February 28, 2012 will teach you effective lobbying techniques and state […]
Hedgehog Heart Disease
Heart disease, particularly cardiomyopathy, is common in African pygmy hedgehogs. It is often undetected simply because it is not diagnosed until it’s too late. While there are different types of cardiomyopathy, the most common form in hedgehogs is dilated cardiomyopathy. Dilated cardiomyopathy occurs when the heart muscle stretches and becomes weak, lowering the ability of […]
Bison – America’s New National Mammal
On April 27, 2016, Congress, with bi-partisan support, named the American Bison as the official national mammal of the United States. Sadly, wild bison have been subject to cruel slaughter throughout the years decimating their numbers to near extinction. Conservation groups have been instrumental in helping to restore the bison to their native habitats. The […]