Living Clay (Calcium Montmorillonate), also known as Edible Detox Clay, is an Ayurvedic remedy. Ayurveda is believed to be the oldest healing science. The word, Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit – ayus meaning life or lifespan and veda meaning knowledge. Practiced in India for over 5,000 years, it is a holistic approach to preventing and treating illness with herbal remedies as well as with diet and lifestyle.
Living Clay has become popular in Western culture for its many healing properties and is being used for animals and humans. It attacks toxins such as heavy metals, free radicals, pesticides and attracts and binds internal parasites for disposal.
Living Clay contains at least 67 minerals including calcium, iron, manganese, magnesia, potassium, silica, etc. along with trace minerals. The minerals are in natural proportions making them more easily absorbed into the intestinal tract.
Among its properties, Living Clay can give allergy and hay fever relief, eliminates painful tumors and tumors attached to joints and tendons within 2 months, corrects anemia, replenishes dietary deficiencies, helps stimulate the immune system to function optimally.
Clay should be given 2-3 hours before or after any medications as it can pull them out of the system. It does not interfere or support cancer growth.
Check with a homeopathic veterinarian for the specific dose for your pet and for use of other clays (not for internal use) and how they are applied to the body. Generally, dose for living clay is about 1/2 to one teaspoonful depending on weight. The powder can be put in food or wet and wiped on the tongue or a paw where the pet will lick it off.
Living clay can be used for birds as well, but check with an avian vet for the correct dosage.
Do not use betonite clay as it is not to be taken internally.