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Reading Horse Feed Ingredients
It’s important to understand labeled ingredients in horse feed to assure that it contains the needed nutrients for your horse’s optimum health. For example, if sugar is listed first, there may not be enough quantities of sodium, potassium and chloride (electrolytes) to maintain your horse’s good health. On the other hand, sugar beet pulp is […]
How Pets Can Help Kids with ADHD
Children who have been diagnosed with ADHD can benefit from caring for and playing with a pet. If you are on the fence about bringing an animal into your family and you have a child with ADHD, consider these points: A pet can teach a child with ADHD to schedule and plan ahead. Pets require […]
Heart Murmur in Dogs
The heart is comprised of 4 chambers. The upper is called the atria (plural) and the lower are the ventricles. Blood flows into the right atrium (singular), then is pumped into the right ventricle. The right ventricle continues the flow, pumping the blood into the lungs where it receives oxygen. From there, it flows into […]