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Adopting a Pet After a Loss
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was a psychiatrist who dealt with death and dying and introduced what is known as the the 5 stages of grief. Denial – shock and numbness Anger – rage at everyone and everything and pain beyond belief Bargaining – promising to do anything to spare a loved one or bring them back, “if […]
Selenium Deficiency in Horses
Until the 1950s, selenium was considered toxic to horses in any amount. Further research proved that selenium in the correct quantities is an essential nutrient for horses. Selenium plays an important role in the body, especially acting as an antioxidant. Its deficiency can cause among other things, muscle degeneration. The oxidation process converts fats, carbohydrates […]
About Testing and Re-testing Pets
There have been incredible advances in veterinary care over the last few years. However they come at a cost, both financial and emotional. State of the art equipment as well as the use of new drugs and vaccines have become the norm in treating pets, particularly in the field of cancer studies. Treatment is not […]