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TV Pets
Many TV shows feature pets as part of the cast. How many of these TV pets do you recognize? Eddie from Frasier – A Jack Russell Terrier named Moose played Eddie on Frasier for 10 years. In order to get him to lick his co-stars’ faces, they had to dab them with liver pate. The […]
HSUS – Speaking for Animals
Tuesday, September 6, 2011, the California Senate passed a ban on shark finning. Sharks are being hunted and cruelly killed for their fins which are used in a soup dish. The California ban is the latest in a series of state and federal laws curbing this inhumane and needless slaughter of sharks. The HSUS encourages […]
Icelandic Horse
Where is the Icelandic Horse from? This horse has been known in Iceland since 800 A.D. It was brought there by the Vikings. Icelandic Horses came to North American in the late 19th century. What does the Icelandic Horse look like? Icelandics have heavy coats protecting them from the harsh climate of Iceland. They are […]