The Chinese recently celebrated 15 days of their year 4709, the Year of the Dragon and only a small minority of people chose to serve shark fin soup.
According to the HSUS, the tide is turning in favor of the sharks. The Hong Kong-based luxury hotel group, Shangri-La, announced it will stop serving shark fin products in all of its 72 hotels and resorts and will phase out Bluefin Tuna and Chilean Sea Bass from all its restaurants within the next 12 months.
As we reported earlier, California, Washington State, Oregon and Hawaii have banned the possession, trade and sale of shark fins.
The United States, the European Trade Commission and Taiwan have taken action against the horrendously cruel act of shark finning. Other countries, including Canada are considering some action.
The HSUS and the Humane Society International attended Chinese New Year festivities in New York City where they distributed thousands of brochures about shark finning. New York City has the largest Chinese population of any city in the world outside of Asia.
We support the HSUS and HS International in their continued fight against shark finning and in the hope that the Year of the Dragon will spell good news for sharks and for us all.
Related articles:
- HSUS on Sharks and Bulls
- HSUS – Culture No Defense for Cruelty
- HSUS – Speaking for Animals
- Endangered Fish
- The Fishing Industry