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NCCF-New Hemangiosarcoma Research Study
Gary Nice, President and CEO of the National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF), has exciting news about a hemangiosarcoma research project. Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a difficult cancer to diagnosis. It is often found too late to save the dog. NCCF has initiated the research project led by Dr. Elizabeth Plihar, D.V.M., PhD and John Ohlfest, PhD. […]
Spinal Cord Injury Transplants for Dogs
At Cambridge University in England, scientists tested a new technique to reverse paralysis in dogs. Thirty-four dogs took part in the trial. Olfactory ensheathing cells were removed from their nose linings and were grown for several weeks in the laboratory. The cells were then planted in the injury sites of 23 dogs while the rest […]