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Cheryl and Angel Bullet
I have had a few signs from Bullet. The first one was Jersey was sleeping in the bed near the computer and she suddenly jumped up and looked behind her and left the bed. She has never done that before so I know it was because Bullet was there. This was soon after I lost […]
Cold Weather Care for Your Pets
Each winter much of the United States and many other parts of the world experiences a winter storm, sometimes news crews call a really bad one, a “Monster Storm”. Sometime it turns out that Mother Nature is a bit nicer to us than the weather forecasters predicted, but she still dumps a bit of snow […]
The Humane Society of Vero Beach Announces two free educational programs
If you live in Vero Beach, FL I thought you might be interested in these two free seminars going on this month thanks to the Humane Society of Vero Beach. I found them on • Feb. 10, 12 to 1 p.m., “Caring for your Senior Pet”: Sebastian veterinarian Jeffrey Slade will discuss arthritis, skin […]