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Swissguard Basslet
Males and females are both 3.2 in. Damselfish already present in the tank can be aggressive. Minimum tank size is 6.6 gal. as long as quality of water is well maintained. This fish is found in the subtropical and tropical water of North and South America. The Swissguard Basslet’s diet consists mainly of zooplankton. It […]
History of the Generic Dog Name Fido
Fido is a Latin word and means to trust, to confide in, to believe. As it’s not popular, how did it become a name referring to any dog? We have to go back in time to Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States. Lincoln suffered spells of depression and as many pet owners do, […]
Protect Pets From Wildlife
Our communities have grown outward to the point where we are increasingly encroaching on territory that was once the exclusive habitat of wildlife. Raccoons, foxes and coyotes, to name a few, have even been spotted in urban areas. And our pets are in danger of becoming their prey. But there are simple rules you can […]