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Effects of What We Wear on Dogs
We know that prey animals use defensive measures that mimic other dangerous animals in order to fool predators. For example, the Scarlet Kingmaker’s stripes help him look like the poisonous coral snake to avoid predators. Called “Aposemitism”, it means warning coloration in which prey use adaptations of color and/or color patterns to mislead predators. At […]
Thrombocytopenia in Dogs and Cats
Thrombocytopenia can affect both dogs and cats. It occurs when the blood platelet count is very low. Platelets are fragments of special cells that work to see that blood clots properly. If the platelet count is too low, bruising and bleeding occur. Thrombocytopenia can have several causes – low platelet production by bone marrow, increased […]
Feline Leukemia Virus
FeLV, Feline Leukemia Virus, is a deadly disease that affects domestic cats and some wild ones as well. There are 3 main types of FeLV, A, B and C. Infection of one, two or all three can occur in a cat. A is in all FeLV diagnosed cats. It results in a severly weakened immune […]