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In recent years, keeping sheep as pets has become more popular. Sheep are not the classic pet, since it is not in their nature to be cuddly and affectionate. However, a bottle-fed lamb will learn to trust humans and respond well to human contact. Caring for a lamb can be a great way to teach […]
Equine Influenza
Equine Influenza (EI) is a highly contagious disease affecting horses worldwide. If you suspect your horse has EI, call your veterinarian at once. Signs of the disease are coughing, watery nasal discharge that over a period of time thickens, enlarged lymph nodes, lethargy, fever. Treatment for the flu is mainly supportive care. Although food may […]
Purse Pets
Small dogs have always been popular, especially with royalty and other celebrities. They are the most pampered of pets. Small dogs are often seen being carried in special purses or slings, dressed for whatever the occasion warrants. But is all this pampering good for them and is it really what these purse-size pets enjoy? First […]