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Caring for Your Bird’s Beak
A bird’s healthy beak is vital for your bird and has many uses – eating, climbing, tearing, preening, to name some. Your bird should be able to perform all these functions without a problem. Your bird’s beak is made out of keratin, the same material as fingernails are made from. And just like fingernails, the […]
Cleaning Bird Cages
Tips for cleaning your bird cages: Remove the bird from the cage and place the in a safe place; keep away from doors and windows. Remove all the accessories from the bird cages and keep the cage empty. Check for separable buttons, if you have any such settings remove the leftover with an opening in […]
Lining Your Bird’s Cage
There are different types of liners for cages, but not all of them are suitable. Lining the birdcage helps make cleanup a lot easier for you. Easier cleanups make for a neater, sweeter cage that is healthier for your bird. Wood chips, especially those that have a strong odor such as cedar, are toxic to […]