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Superstitions About Howling Dogs
Superstition is defined as a belief that is not based on reason or knowledge, but blindly accepted. It is an irrational belief founded on ignorance or fear of the unknown or mysterious. Most cultures, including the ancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans viewed a howling dog as an omen of something ominous. Many of these […]
Elephants – Did You Know
Elephants are one of the most favorite animals to children (and many adults as well) They are the largest living land animal in the world. Here are some other interesting facts about them. Elephants are the only other animals besides humans who mourn for their dead. They will visit the bones of friends who have […]
Swissguard Basslet
Males and females are both 3.2 in. Damselfish already present in the tank can be aggressive. Minimum tank size is 6.6 gal. as long as quality of water is well maintained. This fish is found in the subtropical and tropical water of North and South America. The Swissguard Basslet’s diet consists mainly of zooplankton. It […]