There are many species of Tarantula available as pets. Housing and care very for the over 800 different species, so you must have information on the particular species you would like to own. The most popular is the Chilian Rose, native to Chile. They are hardy and easier to care for than some other species and make good beginner pets.
Keep in mind that Tarantulas do bite. The bite is similar to bee or wasp stings and similarly as toxic. If you have allergies, this is not a pet for you as the bites can prove fatal to people having allergic reactions but otherwise the venom is not deadly. Tarantulas also have tiny barbed hairs that they can release which can cause itching and irritation.
There has never been a documented human death due to the bite of a tarantula. But the bite can cause pain, swelling, rapid heartbeat and muscle cramps. Tarantulas usually bite out of fear and are not aggressive towards humans.
Size of the cage depends on the size of Tarantula. A good rule of thumb is length – 3x leg span, width – 2x leg span. Burrowing types need a tank with a place to hide, arboreal types need tall tanks. Only one Tarantula to a cage. Be sure the cage is secure so that the Tarantula can’t escape, but well-ventilated.
A shallow dish of water with pebbles should be provided. Gut-loaded crickets and other insects (check with your pet provider) can be fed to adults once a week. Young spiders eat several times a week.
Tarantulas should not be handled often. Care should be taken when they are held that they don’t fall as that can prove fatal to the spider.
Lastly, get all the information you can before choosing a Tarantula as a pet.