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Greens for Your Dog
While cats are obligate carnivores and can do without a bunch of green stuff in their diet, what about dogs. Actually dogs can do with a little greening in their meals. Lets look at the reasons. Plants contain a substance called chlorophyl that allows them to absorb energy from sunlight. Except for one atom, chlorophyl […]
Spotband Butterflyfish
The Spotband Butterflyfish is one of the most hardy fish and almost no technical care is needed to maintain it. It is found from the Eastern Indian Ocean to Micronesia. Both males and females measure 4.7 in. While Surgeons and Tangs may react aggressively, this is a peaceful natured fish and should be added before […]
ASPCA – Animals and Antibiotics
The ASPCA is asking for your support to stop the use of antibiotics in farm animals. The ASPCA tells us that almost 80% of all antibiotics sold in the United States are fed to the animals we eat. Besides the fact that most of these animals are kept in overcrowded, unsanitary, inhumane conditions, diseases are […]