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A Dog’s View of the World
Dogs view the world around them differently than humans do. That’s because their eyesight is somewhat dissimilar from ours. A dog’s visual acuity, the ability to see details, is not as sharp as a human’s, about 4-8 times lower. While a human score of 20/20 on the Snellen eye chart is considered normal, a dog’s […]
A Cow’s Social Standing
We know that cats, dogs, birds, horses, to name a few of our pets, have their own individually defined personalities. So why not cows! Researchers say yes. That’s no surprise to dairy farmers who spend enough time with their cows to be able to tell you who’s the boss, which ones are friendly and which […]
Dog Shows
The American Kennel Club (AKC) sanctions hundreds of dog shows around the country each weekend. The AKC is a national dog organization that oversees and maintains the registry of purebred dog breeds as well as supervising the showing of these dogs. The American Kennel Club was established in 1884 to promote the study, breeding, exhibiting […]