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Sulcata Tortoise
What is the Sulcata Tortoise like? The Sulcata Tortoise is native to Africa but has become a popular pet in North America. Adults are 2-2 1/2 feet long and can weigh 100-200 lbs. Since they grow so large, you might consider keeping them outdoors. How do I care for and feed the Sulcata Tortoise? They […]
Does Coat Color Predict A Cat’s Behavior
Do you believe that the color of your cat’s coat influences its personality and behavior? If so, you’re not alone. Since genetics are involved in producing the cat’s coat, they may also predict certain behaviors. Color pigment follow the same biochemical path as some brain substances such as dopamine which strongly influences behavior. Ancient cat […]
Do Sugar Gliders Really Fly
In the wild, Sugar Gliders have been known to jump 100 feet and more. So we do know they can leap long distances. These marsupials are not actually flying although it may appear that they are. They are named for their ability to glide long distances. And they have a sweet tooth as well. The […]