Keeping our pets safe is a major concern. Just like a household with small children, a household with pets must be pet-proof, since there are many hazards in ordinary household items. Safety is also imperative outside the home: in the yard, in the car and while taking a stroll. Seasonal hazards exist too. Summer and winter require different precautions, and holidays can be a dangerous time for pets. Below are some articles on keeping your pet safe:
- 2 Cents Worth
- ALERT – Buncher Alert
- ASPCA – Dogs in Pickup Trucks
- Antifreeze – Good News
- Boating with Pets
- Bringing Your Dog to a Picnic
- Bufo Toad – Poisonous for Pets
- Buying Gifts for Pets
- Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Your Pet
- Christmas and Chanukah Pet Safety
- Coyotes – A Danger to Pets
- Danger of Knitting Yarn for Cats
- Dangerous Dog Treats
- Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?
- Does Your Cat Like to Hide?
- Dog Toy Safety
- Dogs and Mud Puddles
- Easter Pet Safety
- Facing an Immediate Disasters
- Feeding Pet Birds Your Food and Theirs
- Fenced Yards and Safety
- Garden Edging Safety
- Halloween Pet Obesity Leads To Pet Arthritis
- Halloween Pet Safety
- Heater and Fireplace Pet Safety
- Help Your Pet Stay Warm in Winter
- Home Hazards to Pet Birds
- Home Safety for Your Cat
- Horse Safety
- Horses-After the Disaster
- How can I save my pets when disaster hits?
- How do I keep my garden pet-safe?
- How do I keep my pet safe at holidays?
- How do I prevent my cat from running out when the door opens?
- Is Your Home Pet-Safe?
- Keep Your Gerbil Safe out of the Cage
- National Poison Prevention Week
- Passive Smoking Is Dangerous for Pets
- Pet-Proof Your Home
- Pet Safe Valentine’s Day
- Pet Safety in Hot Weather
- Pet Safety in Tornadoes
- Pet Store Safety
- Poison Control
- Preparations to Care for Horses in Disasters
- Prepare Your Pets for Natural Disasters
- Protect Pets From Wildlife
- Protect dog walkers, riders, and their pets from outdoor shocks
- Protect yourself, your dog, or horse from outdoor shocks.
- Protecting Stray Cats in Winter
- Rabbit-Proof Your House
- Saving Your Cat in Case of Fire
- Seasonal Danger – Antifreeze
- Spring is Here – Pet Safety
- Swimming Pool Safety for Dogs
- Teach Your Dog to Swim
- Thanksgiving Safety Tips
- Training Your Dog in Case of Fire
- What foods are unsafe for pets to eat?
- What is a "Product Pull"?