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Lemonpeel Dwarf Angelfish
Males are 5.5 in., while females are about 4 in. Be careful of tangs and other dwarf angelfish, but the Lemonpeel usually stays out of harm’s way. This fish is found throughout Pacific island chains. The minimum tank size is 80 gal. The tank should contain many hiding places. The Lemonpeel does best in an […]
Keep Your Bird Happy – Tips for Proper Bird Care
Those of us who share our homes with birds understand how highly intelligent they are. Scientists have proven that the emotions of a bird are at least as complex as those of a 3 year old child. It’s up to us to see that we meet all their needs and to keep them physically and […]
Sugar Gliders
Sugar Gliders are from Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea. They feed partly on nectar and eucalyptus sap and have a flap of skin between wrist and ankles allowing them to glide – hence their name. Life span is 12-14 years. Besides in the states of Alaska, California and Idaho, Sugar Bears can legally be kept […]