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Journal of AVMA -New Study Administering Chemo for OSA
The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has reported on a study in their September 1, 2012 issue that found a single dose of carboplatin, a chemotherapy drug, given subcutaneously immediately after surgery has resulted in similar survival times and effects as traditional chemotherapy protocols for Osteosarcoma (OSA – bone cancer). With traditional […]
Sticks-A Danger to Dogs
Tossing a stick for your dog to fetch seems a harmless enough game. It’s probably been in practice since dogs and humans first bonded. But is using sticks for play or training such a good idea? Your veterinarian can tell you how many injuries s/he has treated when dogs play with sticks. Dogs naturally use […]
Resiniferatoxin for Cancer
Resiniferatoxin is made from the sap of a Moroccan cactus-like plant. It is a plant that contains the chemical that makes chile peppers hot. Researchers have tested resiniferatoxin (RTX) on dogs suffering with the severe pain of osteosarcoma. The chemical destroyed the pain-sensing nerves that control a type of heat-related inflammatory pain although it has […]