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To Buy or Not – Free Range
The term, free range, refers to animals that are allowed to roam freely without being restrained. Chickens are sometimes referred to as cage-free. Eggs from free range chickens are included. Free range does not necessarily mean organic. The Organic Food Production Act of 1990 requires that an animal be fed pesticide-free and chemical-free organic food […]
A Victory in Florida
Thanks to the efforts of Best Friends, there is a victory in Florida. Governor Rick Scott has just signed into law Senate Bill 722 spearheaded by Best Friends and sponsored by Rep. Garcia of Miami and Sen. Norman of Tampa. The law states that dogs in Florida, saved from dog-fighting busts, will no longer be […]
Depression in Cats and Dogs
Signs of depression in your pet can be loss of appetite, refusing to play, losing weight, never leaving your side, sleeping more than usual, withdrawal, even boredom. First have your pet undergo a complete physical examination including blood tests. If illness is ruled out consider reasons your pet may be depressed. Pets can experience grief, […]