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How Does Catnip Work?
The catnip plant is a member of the mint family. Its scientific name is “Nepeta Catria.” The plants native growing regions are Europe, Asia and Africa. Settlers coming to North America brought the plants with them where it found the soil to its liking and has been growing like a weed since then. Catnip is […]
Crating Cats
The crate is a general term for carriers, kennels or crates. Crates come in different materials and sizes. They can be made of plastic, fiberglass or wire. Some smaller carriers are also made of cloth. The Cat Playpen and 2 and 3 tiered crates are large, tall and airy. There are 2 or 3 platforms […]
Cats declawing alternative
Do you have a cat scratching up your couch and you are ready to have it declawed? Before you do, check out a product called Soft Claw Nail Caps. It was developed by a veterinarian to help save cats from the declawing procedure. The caps are made of vinyl and are glued to the tips […]