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Safe Plants and Woods for Rabbits & Guinea Pigs
The ASPCA offers lists of what rabbits and guinea pigs can and can’t eat. Here are some plants they CAN eat: Alfalfa, basil, borage, checkweed, coltsfoot, dandelion, goldenrod, green clover, groundsel, mallow, plantain, yarrow, asters, marigolds, nasturtiums, sunflowers and sweet peas. These are some plants that are toxic and they CANNOT eat: Buttercups, deadly nightshade, […]
Culicoides in Horses
The Culicoides midge is a tiny gnat, also known as no-see-ums because of their size. Their bite causes “sweet itch”, an allergic skin reaction. The itch occurs when these tiny gnats bite a horse who is sensitive to the gnats’ saliva. The itch is so intense that the horse will rub the area, developing sores […]
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