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Celebrate World Animal Day October 4th
Hundreds of events will be taking place in 73 countries in honor of World Animal Day. The Mission Statement of World Animal Day is: To celebrate animal life in all its forms To celebrate humankind’s relationship with the animal kingdom. To acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives – from being our […]
Asian Water Monitor
The Asian Water Monitor (varanus salvator) is a challenge to keep as pet even for herpers used to handling lizards. Herpers are people involved with reptiles and amphibians. It comes from the word herpetology which is the study of reptiles and amphibians. This lizard’s native habitat is southern Asia from India east to the […]
Tick-Borne Babesiosis
Babesiosis is another of the major tick-borne diseases. It is similar to malaria in that it can recur intermittently. The Babesia Canis can be found throughout the world. The major carrier is the brown dog tick which transfers the disease to another animal through its saliva when it bites. The tick carries the disease when […]