Celebrate Animals in March

Here are some March holidays celebrating animals and people advocating for them.

March 5 – Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race began. Named “The Last Great Race on Earth” the Iditarod alternates between 2 paths in odd and even years. It crosses 2 mountain ridges and tests the endurance of sled dogs and man in temperatures that sometimes reach more than 30 degrees below zero.

March 6-12 – National Professional Pet Sitter Week

March 10-13 – CRUFTS – Held for 4 days in Birmingham, England, the Crufts is the world’s largest dog show.

March – Poison Prevention Awareness Month

March 19-25 – National Poison Prevention Week

March – Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month

March – Dolphin Awareness Month

March – 2nd week – Homes for Birds Week

March 19-25 – National Wildlife Week – Celebrate by heading outdoors to enjoy nature. Listen to the sounds of nature – birds singing, insects buzzing, trees and grass rustling. Take time to smell the flowers. Encourage your children to do the same and see how many sounds, sights and smells you recognize. Do some planting, work in a garden. If you live in a busy city, go to a park and enjoy.

March 23 – National Puppy Day – Sponsored by the Animal Miracle Foundation and held annually, the event encourages shelter adoptions.

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