The Chinese Stripe-Necked Turtle, also known as the Golden Thread Turtle, has amazing coloration with striking golden stripes and an emerald and mahogany carapace (underside). This turtle’s habitat is Eastern China, south to Vietnam, Eastern Laos and the islands of Hainan and Taiwan. It can live in temperate, sub-tropical and tropical climates and any type […]
Turtles can be a fun pet and are especially appropriate for a small home since they don’t need a lot of space.
If you purchase a turtle from a pet store, make sure the pet store owners are knowledgeable about turtles and that the turtles seem well-cared for. Have the turtle checked out by a vet to make sure it is really healthy. You can also buy a turtle from a breeder. It’s a good idea to ask other for recommendations to make sure you buy from a reputable breeder. Adopting a turtle from the wild is not always the best option, since the turtle may be sick or carry parasites.
All turtles can carry salmonella, so it is important that everyone who handles the turtle wash their hands afterward. Small children who play with a turtle need to be supervised so that they don’t stick their fingers in their mouths.
Young turtles are mostly carnivorous and eat every day. Older turtles are omnivorous and need to eat every other day. Turtles don’t know when they are full and will continue to eat endlessly, so it is up to their humans to regulate their food intake.
Turtles require a tank, kept at a temperature between 80 and 85 degrees. The tank should have plants and hiding places (especially if more than one turtle share the space) and be kept clean. Young turtles can live together in harmony but older turtles may fight.
Turtle species:

Spotted Turtle
The Spotted Turtle is considered semi-aquatic as it spends less time in the water than other turtles. As Adults, the spotted turtle is small, measuring 4-6 inches long. It is long-lived, reaching over 100 years. The feet are not as webbed as other turtles nor do they swim as well. But this turtle does need […]

Red-eared Slider Turtle
The Red-eared Slider Turtle is a member of the Emydidae. The three subspecies include the Red-eared Slider, the yellow-bellied slider (Georgia, Carolinas, Virginia)and the Cumberland slider (Tennessee). The Red-eared Slider is native to the Mississippi from Louisiana north to South Michigan and west through Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas. This slider has a broad red stripe […]

Eastern Box Turtle
What are some facts about the Eastern Box Turtle? The Eastern Box Turtle is native to the U.S. and can be found from Massachusetts to northern Florida, west to the Mississippi and north to the Great Lakes. They are 5-6 inches in length and can live 20-30 years or more. The Eastern Box Turtle is […]

The Matamata turtle can be found in streams of rain forests, primarily in the Amazon and Orinoco basins of South America. The shallow streams are covered with leaves and twigs, helping to camouflage the turtle. Size of the Matamata is up to 18 inches long and 35 lbs. Care should be taken when handling the […]