Parrotlets are the smallest parrots known in the world. Some people have labeled them “Pocket Parrots”. Their closest relative is the Amazon Parrot. There are different species in the family. Pacific Parrotlet (Celestial Parrotlet or Lesson’s Parrotlet) The Pacific Parrotlet is the best known and most popular. There are about 4 3/4-5 1/2in. long. Color […]

Sun Conure
Where is the Sun Conure from? The Sun Conure’s natural home is Central and South America. Some can be found in Mexico and the West Indies. What does the Sun Conure look like? The Sun Conure is 12 inches long including the tail. The feathers are orange, blue, yellow and green in combinations over their […]

Rose-Breasted Cockatoo
What is the native habitat of the Rose-Breasted Cockatoo? In their native Australia, the Rose-Breasted Cockatoo is plentiful and common. Australians have nicknamed them “Rosie.” They are also called galahs. At present thery are relatively new to America, but popularity is increasing. What does the Rose-Breasted Cockatoo look like? Rosies have beautiful rose-pink breast, a […]

Where does the Parakeet come from? The Budgerigar or “Budgie” is native to Australia. It is known as the Parakeet in the U.S. they were named Budgerigar by the Aborigines of Australia. What does the Parakeet look like? Budgies are very small birds weighing approximately 80 gms. Wild Budgies have green bodies with striping patterns […]

Palm Cockatoo
Where is the Palm Cockatoo from? The Palm Cockatoo comes from Australia and New Guinea. It lives mostly in rain forests. What does the Palm Cockatoo look like? The body and head of the Palm Cockatoo is dark grey to black. It’s about 49-68 cm. long and weighs 500-1,000 gms. It is the second largest […]

Moluccan Cockatoo
What is the native habitat of the Moluccan Cockatoo? The Moluccan Cockatoo is a native of Seram and other islands in eastern Indonesia, also known as the Maluccin, Malukel or Spice Islands. It is an endangered species. Captive bred birds are legal with approciate CITES certification. While it cannot be imported to the U.S., the […]

Where does the Macaw come from? The Macaws native habitats are the rain forests of Central and south American. Sadly , the rain forests are disappearing and some species of Macaw are on the endangered list. Macaws have been kept as pets in the U.S. as far back as 1100 A.D. by the Pueblo Indians. […]

Greater Sulfur-Crested Cockatoo
Where is the Greater Sulfur Crested Cockatoo from? The Sulfur Crested Cockatoo is native to Australia. Some have also been seen in Indonesia and New Guinea. What does the Greater Sulfur Crested Cockatoo look like? The Sulfur Crested Cockatoo is a beautiful white bird with a yellow crest. The tail and undersides of the wings […]

Goffin’s Cockatoo
Where does Goffin’s Cockatoo come from? The Goffin’s Cockatoo’s natural home is in the forest of the Tanimbar Islands of Indonesia. Due to illegal hunting and encroaching civilization, the Goffin’s Cockatoo is on the list of Threatened Species. There are more of these birds in captivity than in the wild. What does Goffin’s Cockatoo look […]

Eclectus Parrot
The natural habitats of the Eclectus Parrot are the tropical rainforests of the Solomon Islands, New Guinea and Northeast Australia. Parrots are generally tree dwellers, digging a hole in the trunk for nesting. The Eclectus Parrot females range from 383-549 grams; males are 388-524 grams. Length is 12-14 1/2 inches. Lifespan is about 50 years. […]