
HSUS-Taiwan Bans Marine Animal Trade
Announcing the first major win for animals in 2013, the HSUS reports that Taiwan has banned trade in marine animals and their products. In response to the horrible images of the yearly seal slaughter in Canada, many governments are taking action to ban seal product trade. In 2009, 27 European Union countries joined the U.S. […]

Horse Virus Outbreak
There has been an outbreak of a deadly horse virus – herpes virus-1. It is highly contagious and can be fatal. The virus was discovered at the National Cutting Horse Association’s Western National Championships in Ogden, Utah. There were 400 horses participating in the events lasting from April 30 through May 8. Since the event, […]

FDA Draft on Ban of Supplements
The FDA is recommending placing limits on supplements for our pets. It is headed under the Draft Compliance Policy Guide and is called Labeling and Marketing of Nutritional Products Intended for use to Diagnose, Cure, Mitigate, Treat or Prevent Disease in Dogs and Cats. Following are some of the recommendations of particular interest to us […]

News from the HSUS
The New York State Law against animal fighting has been upgraded for animal fight spectators to a misdemeanor crime which is punishable by up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine. Governor Cuomo signed the bill into law in 2011, making it the first major upgrade in New York animal fighting laws in […]

Veterinarians and Doctors Work Together
Exchanges of information are becoming more and more common between veterinarians and human doctors. There are many diseases that occur similarly in humans and dogs, horses, pigs and sheep because their physiology and anatomy closely resembles that of humans. Most of the time, drugs that can cure test rodents fail to work on humans. Veterinary […]

Novel Devices for IDD and Wobbler’s
Information from Ohio State University for treating Intervertebral Disc Disease and Wobbler’s Disease. Evaluation of Novel Spinal and Orthopedic Devices in the Dog Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate clinical function and evidence of bone healing after implantation of two new devices developed specifically for the dog. Background In this study, we […]
Animal Gassing Outlawed in Pennsylvania
Senator Andy Dinniman introduced a bill to the Pennsylvania Senate in October of 2011 to outlaw the use of gas chambers to euthanize animals. The Pennsylvania General Assembly has now passed the bill, House Bill 2630, into law. Pennsylvania will no longer use this inhumane method of euthanization of dogs, cats and other pets. Called […]

HSUS-Protect Maryland’s Dogs
August 2012 Maryland’s Court of Appeals ruled that “pit bull” dogs are “inherently dangerous.” This makes the state of Maryland’s policy toward dogs the most unfriendly in the United States. In essence, the ruling states that if a pet bull dog injures someone, not only is the dog owner liable, but so is the owner […]