The internet has a wealth of information about pets and the pet industry. These articles point you to useful websites that Pet Wiki users recommend: Center Pet Funny Pet Videos Great Pet Websites How to Find a Pet-Friendly Hotel Only Natural Pet Store Goes Green Social Networks for Pets Teaching about Pets: Resources for Teachers […]
General All Pets
General articles about all types of pets.

Pet Birthdays
According to a recent survey, 36% of dog owners give their pets presents on their birthday, as do 20% of cat owners. Some pet owners even hold birthday parties for their pets. This can be especially fun for children who can be involved in the planning and running of the party. Since pet owners don’t […]

Books in Review
Here is a listing of books that community members have taken their time to share with the community. Please feel free to add your own insights or other books about pets. Adult Coloring Books – Cats & Other Animals Book Review-How Dogs Think Book Review-The Healing Touch for Dogs Book Review: "Love is the Best […]