Canine Cancer Dog Articles Dog Health

What’s New in Cancer Treatment for Dogs

Canine cancer statistics in the U.S. are frightening. Estimates are that several million dogs will be diagnosed with cancer annually and one out of every 3 dogs will die of the disease. In dogs over 2 years old, cancer is the No. One Killer. The good news is that research continues and there are new […]

Dog Articles Dog Health

Swimming for Dogs to Reduce Joint Pain

Hydrotherapy or water therapy is great way to provide a low impact exercise for your dog, with or without joint pain. For dogs with joint pain and arthritis, regular exercise like running or walking can be painful due to amount of weight that your dog’s joints must support. Exercise in a pool, a lake or […]

Dog Articles Dog Health Senior Pets

How can I help my senior dog?

We can all agree that our pets are too soon taken from us whether by old age, illness or accident. If we are fortunate, we see them attain their normal life span. However the aging process begins earlier than we would like. We see the signs gradually – their movements are slower, their eyesight dims […]

Dog Health Dog Products

Dog Health, are Vitamin Supplements Necessary?

Hello dog lovers. Like many of you, I too see a lot of advertisements and discussion about using dog supplements or dog vitamins. Everything from joint supplements for dogs, all the way to adding muscle to your dogs! Which supplement to choose and are they even necessary? Let me answer these questions with personal experiences […]

Dog Health

Is Nail Polish Safe for Dogs

Some dogs, their humans and groomers accept nail polishing as part of the grooming treatment. But how safe are the nail polishes that are used on our furry friends? Dr. Karen Becker on her blog “Healthy Pets” tells us that the California Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) recently sent 25 […]

Dog Health

NCCF Cancer Study

The National Canine Cancer Foundation (NCCF) is offering a two year study on the effects of supplements on cancer in dogs. The study hopes to show that supplements will halt or slow the growth of cancer. It begins in May 2012. Funds for the study are being provided by Elimay Supplements. Cities involved in the […]

Dog Health Your Health

Novovirus and Dogs

A recent study led by Dr. Maja Summa of Finland’s University of Helsinki, Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, has shown that dogs can transmit novovirus to humans. The researchers believe that dogs, especially those in contact with young children, contract the virus and become carriers. The novovirus causes gastroenteritis and diarrheal disease in […]

Dog Health

Bicycling With Your Dog

It’s National Bike Month, so time to tune up your 2 (or 3) wheeler and get moving. And you can take your 4-legged pal with you to join in the fun. Most dogs love to run. But before you take your dog cycling, consider age, health, any medical conditions, size, normal level of activity. Are […]

Dog Articles Dog Health

Aspirin for Dogs with Arthritis Pain

Many times when our pets are in pain, we tend to turn toward medications and remedies that are familiar to us as humans. For instance, aspirin has long been a medication known to relieve minor pain. But over recent years, we’ve learned more and more about the risks involved with aspirin use and these risks […]

Book Review Dog Health

Book Review: Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs

RAW AND NATURAL NUTRITION FOR DOGS by Lew Olson, PhD. Finally, a book about nutrition for dogs that explains in clear language, a dog’s needs. The recipes provided are easy to adapt to a dog’s weight, body type, age and any conditions he may have. While many books tell us how terrible it is to […]