Dog Behavior Pet Safety

Dog Toy Safety

Besides food, dogs love playing with toys. There are toys available for every size dog and every type of chewer. They come in all shapes and colors and textures. Toys should satisfy your dog’s need to chase things, to interact with you, to puzzle out treats and just to cuddle with. There are toys that […]

Dog Articles Dog Health Pet Safety

Dangerous Dog Treats

Many of us, well-meaning dog lovers though we are, give our dogs chew treats not realizing the risk involved. The ASPCA said that in 2006 the number of physical hazard calls increased 460% to over 3,800 and continues to grow. Included in this group are rawhide chews, cow hooves, pig ears, Greenies, Nylabones, Bully Sticks, […]

Biology Cat Articles Cat Care Pet Safety

Do Cats Always Land On Their Feet?

Contrary to popular belief, cats don’t always land on their feet. If cats fall a short distance, they can usually right themselves and land on their feet. They have very small collarbones which allow them to fit through small spaces and their backbones are very flexible, more so than other animals. Their spines have about […]

Animal Welfare Cat Care Pet Safety

Protecting Stray Cats in Winter

If you live in a part of the world that experiences frigid temperatures every winter, you can imagine how much homeless cats suffer living without any shelter to speak of. Some of the warmer places cats seek out such as car engines pose an even greater danger than the weather. We can help these poor […]

Dog Training Pet Safety

Teach Your Dog to Swim

The hot days of summer are here and what better way to cool off than spending time at your favorite watering hole – the beach, a pool, the lake, on a boat. And of course you want to take your 4-legged pal along to join in the fun. But not all dogs know how to […]

General Dog Articles Holidays Pet Safety

Bringing Your Dog to a Picnic

The beautiful days of summer allow us and our furry friends to spend more time outdoors. Picnics provide good times for all ages – good company, good food, fun and games. When planning a picnic in your backyard or attending one in a park, following some simple suggestions can make it an enjoyable event for […]

All Pets Pet Safety

What foods are unsafe for pets to eat?

We love our pets and want to share our lives with them, but sharing certain foods can be deadly. Here is a list of some of the foods NOT to feed your pets. They are not listed in any order of importance. If you know of any other foods that can be dangerous for our […]

Horse Articles Pet Safety

Horses-After the Disaster

The disaster – tornado, hurricane, flood, fire and so on – has finally passed and you are ready to see to your horse. Your horse may be outdoors in your pasture or a foster pasture or in the barn. The sooner you are able to get to your horse, the better s/he will feel and […]

Pet Safety

Garden Edging Safety

Spring is finally here and everyone is busy working in their gardens. But you may have a danger in your garden that you are not even aware of. It’s hard to believe that metal edgings for gardens are still on the market. And it’s even harden to believe that people buy them. Even covered, they […]