Adoption All Pets

Senior Pets

Senior pets can be both a joy and a challenge. Older pets have the wisdom of age and can develop a special relationship with humans. They are less energetic and therefore can be a great match for a working family or a senior citizen. They are also likely to be vaccinated and spayed/neutered. However, they […]


Keeping Pets in an Apartment

Not all apartments accept pets, and some only accept cats and dogs. If you live in an apartment and are considering adopting a pet, the first step is to investigate your landlord’s policy regarding animals. Once you have gotten that out of the way, the next step is to decide what kind of pet to […]

Adoption Rabbits

Do You Want a Rabbit?

Rabbits are cute and cuddly, but do you want one as a pet? Some things to consider before making a commitment: Rabbits cannot be taken care of by children. The adults in the family must take responsibility for the family rabbit. Rabbits are very social animals and should be kept in pairs. Rabbits CANNOT be […]

Adoption All Pets Your Health

Seniors Make Lasting Connections with Furry Friends

Tamer Elsafy, CEO of Flexcin International, the makers of Flexcin and Flexpet vitamin supplements for people and pets with arthritis and joint pain, was recently published in Senior Spectrum Magazine. The article is about how seniors can benefit from the companionship of senior pets. Research shows that pets help people live longer, healthier lives and […]

Adoption Dog Articles Dog Behavior Featured

Choosing a Family Dog

The addition of a dog to the household can bring much joy. But before you bring that bundle of joy home, be sure to have enough information to help you make the best selection. Consider your lifestyle. Is your family the outdoorsy type or are you more of the couch potato variety? Do you live […]