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Eastern Box Turtle
What are some facts about the Eastern Box Turtle? The Eastern Box Turtle is native to the U.S. and can be found from Massachusetts to northern Florida, west to the Mississippi and north to the Great Lakes. They are 5-6 inches in length and can live 20-30 years or more. The Eastern Box Turtle is […]
What do Geckos look like? The wild Leopard Gecko is about 8-10 inches long and is yellow with black spots. They now come in a lot of different colour morphs, and so colours and patterns vary greatly. They don’t have sticky toe pads as other Geckos and therefore live on the ground as they can’t […]
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Some musculoskeletal disorders are genetic, some occur through injury, while others usually appear in older pets. You will find more in-depth descriptions of these disorders in the index. Hip Dysplasia is the malformation of the hip joint. It occurs mainly in large breed dogs and is usually genetic. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. It […]