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Cat Prebiotics: VIYO
Viyo is a prebiotic drink that helps to reinforce the natural resistance of cats and dogs. Viyo can be best compared with Actimel or Yakult for humans. As with humans, 70% of the natural defence system of a dog or cat is located in the intestines. Healthy intestinal functioning is therefore crucial to strong resistance. […]
Plasma Cell Pododermatitis
Plasma Cell Pododermatitus literally means foot inflammation involving infiltration by plasma cells. It is a disease that affects cats. It is believed to be an auto-immune disease. Some studies have linked Pododermatitus to the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). A biopsy is required to confirm the disease. The foot pad appears mushy and balloons out, sometimes […]
Bug Bites and Cats
Cats love to chase bugs. Their actions are attractive to cats who will pounce on anything that moves. But some insects can be dangerous to cats as they will strike back when attacked. We know the damage fleas and ticks can inflict on our pets. They irritate the skin, sometimes causing infection and transmitting disease […]