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Is Your Cat Always Hungry
If your cat is always hungry and gobbles food down quickly and looks for more, s/he could have a condition called polyphagia, excessive eating. Polyphagia is usually a result of an underlying condition. Does your cat exhibit behaviors such as vomiting after downing a meal quickly, eating anything offered (even food s/he has refused previously), […]
Leaky Gut/Dysbiosis in Pets
Leaky Gut and Dysbiosis are often referred to as the same disorder, but they are slightly different. The small intestine contains Villi which are finger-like projections that absorb substances and transport them to the bloodstream. Leaky gut occurs when the villi are exposed to prolonged damage resulting in malnutrition due to the lack of absorption […]
Giardia is a parasite, a protozoa (one-celled organism) that lives in the small intestine of cats and dogs (it affects humans too). Giardia are present throughout the U.S. and other parts of the world. Infestation usually occurs when water containing fecal matter of fish and other animals is ingested. Contaminated food can also be a […]