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Why Do Cats Bite During Petting
You’re sitting quietly when your cat rubs against you or settles beside you asking to be petted. You happily oblige when all of a sudden, seemingly without warning, your cat bites you. You wonder what you did to deserve that. Well, for one thing, you probably didn’t pay attention to your cat’s body language. Did […]
How to Manage with Multiple Cats
Having more than one cat, you’ve discovered that cats are different than dogs. Dogs usually enjoy the company of other canines as they are pack animals. Cats don’t mind being loners, some even prefer it. Cats are territorial to boot and each will claim a space as their own. Dogs are usually just happy to […]
Cat Wins Hero Dog Award
Tara, a 7 year old tabby, who grew up with her family and whose video went viral, is the first cat to win the Los Angeles SPCA Hero Dog Award. With a little alteration, the word dog was changed to cat on the award. Jeremy Triantafilo, 4 years old and Tara’s BFF (Best Friend Forever), […]