Osteosarcoma (OSA or OS) is a very aggressive bone cancer usually affecting large breed dogs including Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, Great Danes, St. Bernards, Doberman Pinschers and more. It was more prevalent in older dogs, aged 8 and up, but it has been occurring in younger large breeds as well. The rate of mestastasis to other parts of the body, particularly the lungs, is high.
Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. is funding a clinical trial at North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine to evaluate the effects of the drug, Palladia, on OS. Palladia has shown it can disrupt the blood supply to cancer cells which in turn may delay or prevent metastasis.
The gold standard for treating OS is amputation followed by chemotherapy. Life expectancy with amputation only is about 4-6 months. With the addition of chemotherapy, life expectancy increases to 10-12 months. These are just guidelines to help people with treatment options. The Palladia trial hopes to improve those statistics and provide a better quality of life.
Participants in the study must have OS of the limbs and no evidence of lung metastases after amputation and 4 rounds of carboplatin, a chemotherapy drug.
Palladia will be given orally 2 weeks after the last carboplatin treatment. Patients are required to return once each month where Palladia will be administered at the University until x-rays confirm metastases to the lungs.
Cost of Palladia and blood work for monitoring the drug will be covered by the trial. All other costs including initial evaluation, amputation and monthly x-rays are the responsibility of the client.
Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. is a non-profit organization pledged to seeking better treatments and a better outcome for dogs with osteosarcoma through research and trials.
The study coordinator is Julie Netlifee|Osborne. For more information Julie can be contacted at 919-513- 6812 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Bone Cancer Dogs, Inc. is also supporting a study involving a limb-sparing implant for treating OS.