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Children’s Behavior with Dogs
Although we are discussing mainly the behavior of children with dogs, this can relate to all animals. Children are the most common victims of dog bites. Sometimes even with adult supervision, bites occur. Learning a dog’s body language and what is polite behavior to a dog can prevent most of those bites. Dogs give warning […]
Coyotes – A Danger to Pets
Coyotes and dogs are very closely related, having the same common ancestor. But as the saying goes, “you can choose your friends, but not your relatives.” Coyotes natural territory was once the Southwest United States, but with constant development in these regions, they have spread throughout the country. Destruction of their natural habitat has caused […]
Getting A Second Opinon
When a pet is diagnosed with an illness, particularly one that has a poor prognosis, we are willing to do anything that will help. Seeking a second opinion from a specialist or another vet often can offer different options for a better prognosis. Whether you’ve moved or changed vets for some other reason, you may […]